it's the movies that have really been running things ... ever since they were invented. they show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it. --andy warhol

Thursday, September 2, 2010


If you were intrigued by Melies, you can check out his adaptation of BLUEBEARD, Charles Pennualt's grisly children's story.  French filmmaker Catherine Breillat recently adapted this classic fairy tale in a new way.  The film, like the story, follows a young girl who is wedded to a mysterious man.  Admist rumors of disappeared wives, the young girl must decide whehter to obey her husband's orders or submit to her own curiosity.  Breillat ingeniously frames the primary story as two sisters read the tale.  The film fits perfectly with Breillat's interest in sexuality and violence, the bonds of sisterhood, and the victimization of women.  Known as a provacauteur, Breillat's film is shocking and beautiful. 

The film is part of the Tournees Film Festival this semester exploring the New Extreme in French Cinema.  BLUEBEARD will be screening 10.7.10 at 7pm in the Cosford. 

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